#DIY Simple - Arduino Nano
- 4x 1k resistor
- 1x 470 resistor
- 3x 330 resistor
- 2x rx5808 receiver with spi mod
- 3x LEDs
- 3x Momentary switch
- 1x Toggle switch
- 1x Buzzer (optional)
- 1x 4066 digital switch chip
- 1x Arduino Nano 3.0 328
![alt text](/rx5808-pro-diversity/docs/img/rx5808-pro-diversity-schematic-simple.jpg)
#DIY Basic - Arduino Nano (Not Diversity)
You can comment out the following line to remove the diversity menu from the GUI. (Note: dip mode is still not implemented.)
- 4x 1k resistor
- 1x 470 resistor
- 1x 330 resistor (optional)
- 1x rx5808 receiver with spi mod
- 1x LEDs (optional)
- 3x Momentary switch
- 1x Toggle switch
- 1x Buzzer (optional)
- 1x Arduino Nano 3.0 328
![alt text](/rx5808-pro-diversity/docs/img/rx5808-pro-original-schematic.jpg)